Return Policy

Return policy for original oil paintings: We fully guarantee that you will love your Elizabeth Bowman original painting! We accept exchanges within the US for original oil paintings for any reason within 30-days. If you wish to exchange your painting, you are responsible for paying the return shipping, and the painting must arrive in good condition for an exchange to be processed. We do not offer refunds on original artwork. 

Return policy for prints: We offer a 30-day exchange policy within the US, where you can return the print for any reason within 30 days, and you can choose a print of equal value as a replacement. If you wish to exchange your print, you are responsible for paying the return shipping, and the print must arrive in good condition for an exchange to be processed. We do not offer refunds on prints.

All international purchases are final.

If your print arrives damaged in any way, please contact me, and a replacement will be sent to you immediately.